+12 34 56 789

Type of Commodity

Beef demand per each region depends on Population, Consumption Per Capita and Preferences. Beef demand in Indonesia will grow with the average growth rate of around = 4.93% / year as seen in this following graph:

Note: Compile from any sources

Year Beef Demand Projection (Tons)
2016 623532
2017 648456
2018 674330
2019 700644
2020 727206
2021 754516
2022 782225
2023 810786
2024 839661
2025 869453
2026 900008
2027 931367
2028 962913
2029 995761
Note: Research Results.

Soybean demand depends on food industri and non food industry demand. Soybean demand estimation for each type of food and nonfood industry in Indonesian can bee seen in this following table:

No Year Fresh Soybean (Ton) Tofu (Ton) Tempe (Ton) Tauco (Ton) Oncom (Ton) Soy Sauce (Ton) Non Food Industry (Ton) Seed Material (Ton) Feed Demand (Ton)
1 2000 9583 861941 927985 6868 10791 116041 141174 140075 22449
2 2001 11296 653938 670030 6822 10805 117747 140234 140642 4852
3 2002 12427 828475 812926 6519 11217 138987 140830 141327 4825
4 2003 10064 902030 835392 6835 11468 162324 141197 140961 4535
5 2004 10580 695583 708708 7353 11424 163258 149814 139986 3609
6 2005 8725 614683 909051 7174 11178 175279 140209 139071 4923
7 2006 9725 781422 1002053 7328 11981 127570 151270 140490 4955
8 2007 11416 801990 766889 7455 12494 155946 167378 140563 2576
9 2008 9165 856131 806945 6921 12688 142089 150368 151278 4962
10 2009 10568 909976 955284 7863 11715 164627 141580 141384 3880
11 2010 11070 954855 761559 7709 12852 135050 141285 141120 4056
12 2011 9889 1077767 887937 7667 12227 122110 79778 140830 3661
13 2012 13859 1030681 753819 7984 12396 126453 131360 140584 3673
14 2013 11852 1086548 838733 7947 12612 184905 131463 131277 131230
15 2014 11141 632408 868754 7585 12722 127835 148268 131120 131461
16 2015 16172 816976 1053926 8791 13302 193664 131019 163653 131295
Note: Compile from any sources.

Year Soybean Demand Projection in Indonesia (Tons)
2016 2698910
2017 2561558
2018 2720182
2019 2344655
2020 2510840
2021 2628263
2022 3085795
2023 2955884
2024 2592703
2025 2720942
2026 2778336
2027 3137082
2028 2942217
2029 3270206
Note: Research Results.

Milk demand in several areas in Indonesia can be seen in this following table:

No Year Sumatera (Liter) Java (Liter) Bali & Nusa Tenggara (Liter) Kalimantan (Liter) Sulawesi (Liter) Maluku & Papua (Liter)
1 2000 212302 594868 54474 55547 73267 20645
2 2001 231831 647284 59497 60907 79944 23048
3 2002 253156 704320 64982 66785 87228 25730
4 2003 276443 766381 70973 73230 95177 28725
5 2004 301871 833911 77517 80296 103850 32068
6 2005 329639 907391 84664 88045 113314 35800
7 2006 359961 987345 92470 96541 123639 39967
8 2007 379081 1036107 97401 102090 130104 43030
9 2008 406318 1106616 104420 109877 139342 47153
10 2009 435513 1181923 111945 118259 149237 51670
11 2010 466804 1262355 120012 127280 159833 56620
12 2011 502265 1349992 129103 137325 171183 60999
13 2012 538985 1440188 138599 147818 183002 65543
14 2013 581160 1543731 149433 159779 196323 70796
15 2014 623796 1648188 160492 172160 210831 76118
16 2015 669446 1759773 172239 185396 226539 81843
Note: Compile from any sources.

Year National Milk Demand Projection (Tons)
2016 3,418,702
2017 3,656,560
2018 3,912,229
2019 4,188,082
2020 4,481,467
2021 4,795,950
2022 5,135,179
2023 5,497,713
2024 5,882,856
2025 6,296,148
2026 6,739,317
2027 7,212,471
2028 7,717,851
2029 8,257,389
2030 8,833,367
Note: Research Results.

Sugar Demand in Indonesia can be classfied into two categories, those are household and industry demand, as seen in this following table:

No Year House Hold Demand Industry Demand
1 2000 1802756 1186415
2 2001 1932501 1218365
3 2002 2065628 1235180
4 2003 2202214 1098597
5 2004 2145444 1243364
6 2005 2086622 1353018
7 2006 2124566 1635434
8 2007 2163210 1596314
9 2008 2252285 1247715
10 2009 2343525 1956475
11 2010 2436981 2097519
12 2011 2536355 2102781
13 2012 2631924 2729002
14 2013 2730402 3164928
15 2014 2832990 2599252
16 2015 2894389 2716815
Note: Compile from any sources.

Year Sugar Household Demand Projection (Tons) Sugar Industry Demand Projection (Tons)
2016 2977439 2686565
2017 3069531 2763121
2018 3162644 2840216
2019 3259456 2920247
2020 3360471 3003640
2021 3464722 3089509
2022 3571824 3177491
2023 3683529 3269127
2024 3796545 3361472
2025 3914319 3457566
2026 4035519 3556207
2027 4158306 3655757
2028 4285468 3758655
2029 4417969 3865717
2030 4552850 3974332

Note: Research Results

For 2014, there are about 150 factories using cassava as raw material for production. Daily cassava needs vary between 200-1000 tons of cassava per day per plant.

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Indonesia still imports cassava, imports in March 2016 reached 987.5 tons of cassava. Import cassava majority imported from Vietnam.

Ministry of Industry noted corn demand in Indonesia reached 13.8 million tons in 2016. The need is divided into two parts, namely for the feed industry with total demand reached 8.6 million tons and for food with total demand reaching 5.2 million tons.

Director General of Agriculture Ministry of Industry, Panggah Susanto explained, corn demand in the next year will not vary much with the needs of maize this year. In the past year, corn demand reached 13.1 million tons. The amount is divided into two, namely for the feed of 8.3 million tonnes and for the consumption of food or the amount of 4.1 million tons.

"For 2016 increase. Feeding be 8.6 million tons, to reach 5.2 million tons of food," he said at the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Jakarta, Thursday (10/11/2015).

Chili Consumption Per Capita (Kg/Kapita/Tahun)

Year Total Consumtion of Chili (KG/Kapita/Year)
2003 1,58
2004 1,60
2005 1,75
2006 1,61
2007 1,77

Fertilizer Demand in Indonesia:

Source : Asosiasi Produsen Pupuk Indonesia (APPI, 2017)