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News and Event

At a certain time period, we held a workshop to explore the idea of research, research progress reports, as well as the development direction of research. The place of workshops could be in Indonesia and Australia.

Workshop in Bogor in September 2014. This workshop has enabled us to have some coordination after the formation of the cluster Food and agriculture, where the ITS is a member, driven by Erma Suryani as the representative of ITS. As the chairman of the food and agriculture cluster is Dr. Iskandar from IPB. From this workshop, we have designed our research focus. This workshop was attended by consortium of several universities such as ITS, ITB, IPB, UI, UNHAS, and UNAIR.

Surabaya Site Visit was conducted on June 19, 2015 with a focus on preparing draft of investment plan in Indonesia. This visit is represented by Melanie, as a representative of the AIC. This workshop conducted in ITS and UNAIR. Some of ITS researchers, Erma Suryani, Rully Agus Hendrawan, Amna Shifia Nisafani, and Arif Wibisono, have attended this meeting.

Melbourne Site Visit has been conducted on July 28, 2015 for five days. During the site visit, we have visited several places such as CSIRO, dairy cows, chocolate factory, and dairy farms to broaden our field of food processing industry in Australia. In this visit, we also visited Melbourne University as our research partners in Australia.

We collaborate with the Department of Agriculture as well as the Department of Livestock to obtain data and information related to soy and beef. Some of our internal coordination and visit activities and can be seen in this following picture: